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Ductile iron

Ductile iron is commonly used across the globe in many different industries as it is a powerful and diverse material, along with LF's product sand casting factory. Due to their unique structure, they are a particular variant of iron and distinct from traditional cast irons. Ductile iron contains small graphite nodules of spherical shape making it more ductile and tough providing a viability for use in various industrial advancements.

What Makes Ductile Iron Perfect for Industries?

Ductile iron, on the other hand is most popular in industries because it is significantly strong AND machineable, the same as grey iron casting supplied by LF. Ductile iron is lighter and stronger, requiring more material to match the strength of steel. Thanks to its ability to withstand high weights and rough environments, it is used in the manufacturing of car parts, machines or pipelines. It also reduces the vibrations of machines and has a longer life.

Why choose LF Ductile iron?

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